
Sete De Setembro 2025 – Brazil Independence Day 2025

Sete De Setembro 2025: The Independence of Brazil is the holiday that celebrates the Brazilian emancipation of the kingdom of Portugal. Brazils Independence Day is celebrated on September 7, 1822 , a date that became known by the episode of “Ipiranga’s Scream.”

Independence of Brazil took its first steps on the banks of the Ipiranga stream, today the current city of São Paulo. Prince Regent Dom Pedro ordered his accompanying soldiers to throw away the Portuguese symbols on their uniforms.

Then he shouted “independence or death” and from that moment, symbolically, Brazil was no longer a colony of Portugal. Shortly after independence, Brazil continued to be a monarchy , a form of government where powers are exercised by a king or emperor.

Feliz Dia da Independência do Brasil Saudações

The first nation that recognized Brazil’s independence was the United States . Portugal only admitted independence in 1825, after paying an indemnity of approximately £ 2 million.

Brazil Independence Day

Sete De Setembro

Sete De Setembro 2025

Today, on Brazil’s Independence Day, schools promote parades through the city’s streets, while students sing Independence and Brazilian anthems.

Brazilian military forces – navy, army and aeronautics – also make special presentations to the public in honor of this date.

The most solemn parade takes place in Brasilia where the President of the Republic and his guests participate.

Sete De Setembro Brasil

History of Brazilian Independence

With the Napoleonic invasions in Europe, the Portuguese Royal Family decided it would be safer to move to Brazil. Thus, in 1808, the Royal Court landed on Brazilian lands. Then, Brazilian ports were opened to all nations of the world. This was the first big step towards the country’s desire for independence.

However, there were several problems, such as differences between the Portuguese and Brazilians, slavery, the struggle for more territorial autonomy, and so on.

In late August 1822, after moving to São Paulo to appease a rebellion against José Bonifácio, D. Pedro decided to break the ties of political union with Portugal, even with his father, King D. João VI, asking him to return to Portugal immediately.

With emancipation, D. Pedro I was crowned Emperor of Brazil .

Brazil Independence Day Messages, Quotes & Images

Setembro 7 brasil

Brazilian Independence Anthem

Lyrics: Evaristo da Veiga
Music: D. Pedro I

Já podeis, da Pátria filhos,
Ver contente a mãe gentil;
Já raiou a liberdade
No horizonte do Brasil.

Brava gente brasileira!
Longe vá… temor servil:
Ou ficar a pátria livre
Ou morrer pelo Brasil.

Os grilhões que nos forjava
Da perfídia astuto ardil…
Houve mão mais poderosa:
Zombou deles o Brasil.

Brava gente brasileira!
Longe vá… temor servil:
Ou ficar a pátria livre
Ou morrer pelo Brasil.

Não temais ímpias falanges,
Que apresentam face hostil;
Vossos peitos, vossos braços
São muralhas do Brasil.

Brava gente brasileira!
Longe vá… temor servil:
Ou ficar a pátria livre
Ou morrer pelo Brasil.

Parabéns, ó brasileiro,
Já, com garbo varonil,
Do universo entre as nações
Resplandece a do Brasil.

Brava gente brasileira!
Longe vá… temor servil:
Ou ficar a pátria livre
Ou morrer pelo Brasil.

José Vieira

José Vieira has been the event news writer at National Day Zreview since 2025. He researched the days and discovered fun facts. People looking for a reason to celebrate. His passion for helping everyone celebrate with special events, helpful tips, discounts, deals, and plenty of fun.
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