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Funny Quotes About Cousins Day | Meme for Cousins Day

Get Funny Quotes About Cousins Day. If you’re lucky enough to have a cousin or two, you know how precious they can be in your life. For those with and without siblings, they can act as a sort of surrogate sibling—either as an older mentor you look up to, a peer you relate to, or a younger sibling that you get to dote on. The best part about these semi-siblings is that you get to make memories with them over special holidays and vacations, but don’t have to, you know, share your toys with them day-to-day.

Some siblings are even closer to their cousins than their siblings. If that’s you, check out these quotes about the bond between sisters. Replace “sister” with “cousin” and they nearly all apply! After all, as one wise thinker said, “God made us cousins because He knew our mothers could not handle us as siblings.” About Cousins Day

The power of cousins even reaches to Hollywood where several pairs of famous cousins prove the power of the unique bond. You might know about famous cousin duo Jenny McCarthy and Melissa McCarthy, but did you know that rockstar Lenny Kravotz and Today weatherman Al Roker are actually second cousins? What about Snoop Dogg, the rapper and record producer who is first cousins with actress and performer Brandy? Ellen DeGeneres and Kate Middleton are distant 15th cousins, but you know Ellen used that to try and get an invite to the royal wedding. These celebrity duos go to show how much we can have in common with our cousins.

Read more: Happy Cousins Day Wishes

Funny Quotes About Cousins Day

A grandparents house is where cousins become best friends.

A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin. – Italian Proverb

Many of my life’s moments have become memorable only because I have a cousin like you.

A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. – Marion C. Garretty

Nobody will understand the craziness of your family better than your cousins.

A cousin is a ready-made friend for life.

Cousin to cousin we’ll always be, Special friends from the same family tree.

Cousin are many, Fast friends are few but it is a great pleasure to find both in you

Cousins are connected heart to heart, distance and time can’t break them apart.

Cousins are Sisters you never had. – Reah Glowstorl

You will be jealous as I have the best cousin

A cousin a day keeps the boredom away.

As cousins, we are connected together and nothing can put us apart

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the cousins together. – Woodrow Wilson

Cousins are friends that will love you forever. – Constance Richards

Enjoy these quotes and share ’em with your built-in best friends for life!

“God made us cousins because He knew our mothers could not handle us as siblings.” — Unknown

“Cousins are friends that will love you forever.” — Constance Richards

“Time passes and we may be apart, but cousins always stay close at heart.” — Unknown

“In my cousin, I find a second self.” — Isabel Norton

“We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.” — Unknown

“A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” — Marion C. Garretty

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold cousins together.” — Woodrow Wilson

“My cousins are shareholders of my soul.” — Saswat Padh

“Cousin by blood, friends by choice.” — Darlene Shaw

“The love between cousins knows no distance.” — Unknown

“Cousins are people that are ready made friends.” — Courtney Cox

“I smile because you’re my family. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.” — Unknown

“Born as a cousin, made as a friend.” — Byron Pulsifer

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” — Michael J. Fox

“The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing.” — Unknown

“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” — Desmond Tutu

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.” — Anthony Brandt

“Never forget who was with you from the start.” — Ziad K. Abdelnour

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” — Richard Bach

José Vieira

José Vieira has been the event news writer at National Day Zreview since 2025. He researched the days and discovered fun facts. People looking for a reason to celebrate. His passion for helping everyone celebrate with special events, helpful tips, discounts, deals, and plenty of fun.

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