United States

Great American Smokeout Day 18 November 2025

Great American Smokeout Day is observed all over the United States on the third Thursday of November every year with a view to encouraging American people to stop tobacco smoking. The American Cancer Society every year sponsors the Great American Smokeout. The initiation of the Great American Smokeout is really great that challenges smokers to quit cigarettes for 24 hours with the hopes of continuing the decision in the rest of the life.

Great American Smokeout Day 2025 Date

Great American Smokeout Day in 2025 is on 18th November, the third Thursday of the month. The initiation of the Great American Smokeout started from a 1970 event held in Randolph, Massachusetts. After a few years in 1974, Lynn R. Smith, a newspaper editor led Minnesota’s first “Don’t Smoke Day”. These two efforts finally led the way of an event supported by the California Division of the American Cancer Society where 1 million people come together to quit smoking for the day on November 18, 1976.

After that, the American Cancer Society officially took it nationwide in 1977. Some important facts and details regarding Great American Smokeout Day are mentioned in the table below.

Great American Smokeout Day Facts

Facts Details
Great American Smokeout Day Observance 18th November every year
Great American Smokeout Day first observed in 1977
Great American Smokeout Day is sponsored by American Cancer Society
Purpose of Great American Smokeout Day Observance To encourage American people to stop tobacco smoking.

Celebrate Great American Smokeout Day

Celebrating the Great American Smokeout day every year draws attention to prevent deaths and chronic illnesses caused by smoking. This day is observed by millions of people in different activities that encourage everyone to give up smoking. People celebrate the day by joining other smokers and spend the day without smoking. Many arrange effective events and seminars to teach people about the negative effects of smoking. Many also observe the day by sharing and spreading knowledge on social media so that everyone can learn.

Great American Smokeout Day Wishes

Below are some wonderful Great American Smokeout Day Wishes for you.

  1. “Great American Smokeout Day encourages us, helps us and guides us in this journey of giving up smoking. Believe in yourself and quit smoking now.”
  1. “Smoking has many harmful effects on our lives and our health. It can also be harmful to the life of our beloved ones. Great American Smokeout day helps us to quit smoking for ourselves and our loved ones.”

Today also…

Great American Smokeout Day really brings a wonderful opportunity for cigarette smokers to refrain from smoking for at least 24 hours on this day. The endeavor also encourages them to keep continuing the process of not smoking for a longer period and finally quit smoking.

José Vieira

José Vieira has been the event news writer at National Day Zreview since 2025. He researched the days and discovered fun facts. People looking for a reason to celebrate. His passion for helping everyone celebrate with special events, helpful tips, discounts, deals, and plenty of fun.

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