International Day

Happy Friendship Day 2025 Wishes with Your Best Friends

Happy friendship day is coming to us soon this year also after the last year. Friendship means something special. People are crazy about relationships. We go through several types of relationship in our life. But among all, one of the best relationships is undoubtedly friendship. Friends mean selfless love. That is why Friendship Day carries a lot of significance in everyone’s life. So let us talk about something more about happy friendship day.

Friendship Day History

Friendship Day was promoted by Hallmark Card founder “Joyce Hall” in 1919 and the friendship day is the first Sunday in August and on this day everyone sent cards to each other. However, the history of Friendship Day started in the United States. In 1935, the US Congress announced that the first Sunday of August every year would be celebrated as Friendship Day.

Read more: Happy Friendship Day Status

From that time, Friendship Day is being celebrated as one of the national celebrating days. Soon it became very popular and gained recognition as the International Friendship Day.

Friendship Day pic

Why Do We Celebrate Friendship Day?

It is not wise to ask why we celebrate friendship day. This is because the relation of friendship is so great. A separate day is observed to put that relationship at a higher level. On this day, all the friends remember and wish each other more and more. We celebrate this day with the promise to keep our friendship more ahead by correcting the mistakes in our friendship.

When is Friendship Day 2025?

This year, Friendship Day will be celebrated on 1st August 2025. Social media will be flooded with old and embarrassing photos fueling our sense of nostalgia and reminding us of the good and the bad times we have spent with our friends.

While India and Malaysia celebrate Friendship Day every year on the first Sunday of August, different countries celebrate Friendship Day on different dates. UN celebrates International Friendship Day on 1st August every year.

Friendship Day Wishes

 Friendship Day Wishes

Here, some of the greetings related to friendship day are presented to you.

  1. Friends would be like the one!

Who would be remembered anytime!

Who would be very close to mind!

Who would be very understanding!

Who would keep in touch all the time!

Who will never go away from me!

“Happy Friendship Day”

  1. Let us walk together…

Let us play together…

We are friends forever…

Stay happy all the time my dear…

 “Happy Friendship Day”

  1. Without blue, the sky is not nice.

Without a wave, the river is not nice.

Without the moon, the night is not nice.

And without friends life is not nice.

“Happy Friendship Day”

  1. You may get 100 friends easily,

50 of them will leave you,

30 of them will forget you,

19 of them will misunderstand you,

But one friend will stay with you forever,

That person is your real friend.

Happy Friendship Day…..

  1. Flowers are very nice if you can decorate,

Life is very colorful if you can color it,

Earth is very beautiful if you can see it,

Friends are very fun things if you can have a friendship.

Happy Friendship Day…..

best friends forever

Happy Friendship Day Messages

There are many messages about Friendship Day. Some interesting messages are given below for you.

  1. One two three, Friendship has nothing to say ‘sorry’.

Four five six, I miss and love you always my friend no matter you are poor or rich.

Seven eight nine, Friendship has nothing to say like ‘do not mind’.

One zero ten, How r u friend??

“Happy Friendship Day”

  1. Life passes away but not the memory.

People change a lot but not the heart.

Even if I disappear, nothing to worry!

Because friends may disappear but not the friendship!

 “Happy Friendship Day”

  1. There lived love & friendship in a town. One day they were walking on the street.

Suddenly love felt down in a drain, but friendship jumped.

Because love is blind & friendship is powerful!!

“Happy Friendship Day”

Friendship Day Quotes

Happy Friendship Day Quotes

Based on the friendship day there are lots of famous quotes. Here are some of the famous quotes given to you.

  1. The time comes and flies, but there are few special moments.

We can see the moon every night, but not always moonlight night.

We can get many seasons but not any like the spring.

We can have lots of friends, but not like you many…..!

“Happy Friendship Day”

  1. A friend is my heart

Open the message and reading start

Wondered what to write

The excitement was very bright

Do not pass the time just by thinking

Send me a text and let the phone ring.

“Happy Friendship Day”

friends forever

  1. A good friend is like hand and eyes

When hand gets hurt

Then eyes cry and

When eyes cry

Then the hand wipes out eyes.

“Happy friendship day” “”

Final Verdict

We wish you pass a wonderful moment with your loving friends on happy friendship day. And to wish your friends, choose from the best collections we provided above.

José Vieira

José Vieira has been the event news writer at National Day Zreview since 2025. He researched the days and discovered fun facts. People looking for a reason to celebrate. His passion for helping everyone celebrate with special events, helpful tips, discounts, deals, and plenty of fun.

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