
Is Petroleum Jelly Flammable? The answer you’ve been looking for

You probably have some in your medical cabinet at the moment. We are referring to petroleum jelly, which is frequently administered topically to relieve skin irritation or discomfort. You’re curious about what’s inside that tiny jelly jar or tube. Is Petroleum Jelly Flammable?

Because white soft paraffin is a byproduct, petroleum jelly may catch fire. According to a BBC story from 2018, paraffin in skin creams was the cause of scores of fire fatalities. However, there is very little chance of flammability if it is kept and confined appropriately.

We’ll go into further detail on white soft paraffins and petroleum jelly’s flammability if you’re interested in learning more.

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Petroleum Jelly: What Is It? 

You could recognize a petroleum jelly product if you saw one, but what’s really in that Vaseline tube? Let us clarify.

There are other names for petroleum jelly, such as petrolatum, white petrolatum, multi hydrocarbons, and soft paraffins. Because of the high carbon number, petroleum contains several relatively solid hydrocarbons. 

The Native Americans were the first people to use petroleum jelly. Vaseline® made its retail debut in 1872, a very long time afterward. Vaseline® is still maybe the most well-known brand of petroleum jelly. 

What use does petroleum jelly serve?

 A tiny amount of the jelly can be used topically to cure a variety of conditions, including genital rashes, diaper rash, nosebleeds, skin irritation, and toenail fungus. 

The following goods are a few instances of petroleum jelly use.

Products for Pet Care

offer any hairball products you offer your feline companion, and chances are good they include petroleum jelly. This also applies to moisturizers for dog paws. 

Cleaners for Surfaces

One such use for petroleum jelly is cleaning a range of surfaces. For this reason, it’s a key component in makeup removers and leather stain removers. 

Candles and Fragrances

Petroleum jelly is also an ingredient in the candles and perfumes you like to use all year round. To make a candle stick to the glass sides more effectively, the jelly makes the candle softer. In order to intensify its aroma, the candle will also absorb the fragrance oil.


Petroleum jelly is a common lubricant that may be found in a variety of products, such as anti-seize assembly grease, light lubricating grease, bullet lubrication compounds, and even certain vehicle lubricant. Use of it as a sexual lubricant is not advised. 

Furniture Glaze 

Petroleum jelly is an ingredient in both leather polish and mineral oil finishes for wood. Usually, the polish also functions as a shield. 

Hair Care Items

You can feel your face and/or head hair feel better after using petroleum jelly. When combined with pure beeswax, it creates an amazing mustache.


Using petroleum jelly to improve skincare is one of its most popular applications. Because the jelly retains moisture, it may be applied on dry lips, fingers, and skin. Its ability to retain heat makes it a popular choice for swimmers who wish to stay comfortable in the water. 

Is Petroleum Jelly Flammable? 

You should be aware of whether petroleum jelly is flammable because it’s included in so many commonplace items. You can’t really think that it is, can you?

Petroleum jelly is flammable at times. On their website, Vaseline® said that “no, Vaseline® Jelly is not flammable.” On their website, Vaseline® does list petroleum as combustible.

The website also states that Vaseline® is not flammable if used and stored correctly since it would require temperatures above 400 degrees Fahrenheit for flammable vapors to escape from a jar or tube of Vaseline. 

This implies that Vaseline® might readily catch fire and fuel a fire, potentially aiding in its spread, when it does. However, that is only Vaseline®. Despite being the most widely used, petroleum jelly products are not the only ones available. Paraffin is often one of the combustible ingredients included in these goods.

Advice on Petroleum Jelly Product Fire Safety 

We’re not advocating that you discard every product that contains paraffin or petroleum. If you did, you would be left with relatively few skincare items. All you have to do is learn.

Your family’s health and your own should be an informed shopper. The following fire safety guidelines should be followed anytime petroleum products are used.

Restrict the Amount of Petroleum Jelly You Apply at Once

There should be no need to cover your skin in petroleum jelly unless you have really dry skin. Moisture will be retained by a thin, uniform coating. This will also prevent the Vaseline from running out of the jar too soon, saving you from always having to buy more.

Petroleum Products Should Not Be Near Heat or Flame Sources

Products containing petroleum jelly should be stored carefully. Keep your Vaseline tube or jar away from any heat sources now that you are aware of the dangers associated with paraffin.

It should be okay to store these items in a nightstand drawer or medicine cabinet because they are dark and chilly inside. 

Frequently Replace Your Bedding If You Use Paraffin

Before retiring to bed, many individuals apply paraffin lotions to their bodies in order to allow the substance to moisturize their skin over night. The day following your nightly moisturizing session is when you should preferably replace your bedsheets if you also do this. 

Recall that the accumulation of paraffin on linens and/or clothing is what might start a fire. After applying skin cream to your skin, you may avoid that buildup by switching out your bedding. 


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