National Happy Hour Day 2025: History, Captions, Meme, Quotes, Messages

It is a time of the day when joy, that draught of liquid ecstasy, is more affordable. Every bar in the world respects it, and every customer waits for it so they can enjoy their beverages knowing their purse isn’t quite as light as it would have been otherwise. In the finest of settings, the word itself is misleading because it lasts for two or more, providing each of us the opportunity to discover that thrill for a pittance. National Happy Hour Day honors this period and the blissful moments it affords its patrons.
When is National Happy Hour Day
Every year on November 12, National Happy Hour Day is observed. The purpose of National Happy Hour Day is to take advantage of Happy Hours at your preferred eatery, bar, or café. A time of day when businesses offer discounts on food and drinks are referred to as “happy hour.”
History of National Happy Hour Day
We’ve all heard of it because we’ve seen the advertisement in every pub and restaurant in the known world. But how did this phrase come to be used all around the world, and where did it initially originate? It is challenging to identify the initial use of the phrase because it has been used many over the years, most notably in King Henry V by Shakespeare, where the line “Therefore, my lords, omit no delightful hour that may be given advancement to our expedition” appears.
However, as a reference to a certain period of entertainment, it can be found that the United States Navy first used the term in 1913. The phrase “happy hour” was only used to refer to all indulgent times, including smoking, boxing, wrestling, music, movies, and dance after World War I. The word “Happy Hour,” however, first appeared as a reference to a drinking period during Prohibition. It described the period spent at a speakeasy before leaving for establishments that could no longer offer alcohol.
Activities of National Happy Hour Day
The most delightful and joyful way to commemorate National Happy Hour Day is to head over to your favorite place and take advantage of their Happy Hour specials. Be it food or drink, the straightforward hours spent here with family and friends might be a respite on an otherwise gloomy day or a custom when friends congregate under one roof. If there isn’t one nearby or you don’t drink, you can always organize a happy hour at your house where people may meet for movies, music, food, and company. All of these activities are appropriate for National Happy Hour Day and have the potential to become yearly rituals.
- Have a happy hour celebration for your staff. You can provide them with a free supper or invite the staff over for a free drink.
- Host a gathering at your home. Use the hashtag #NationalHappyHourDay on social media to invite your friends and family.
- A customized menu might help you as a proprietor make a special day for your eatery. By doing this, you can draw in new clients who wish to sample your restaurant’s fare.
- You might hold a trivia game around drinks or cuisine if you want to be more inventive. Decide on an award for the winner.
- Another suggestion is to set up a photo booth in your restaurant and invite patrons to pose with you and your staff.
- Additionally, you can plan a happy hour event at your neighborhood bar. By doing this, your employees will be able to get to know one another better and make new friends.
- And last, what better way to honor this day than by growing your company? To publicize your event, you can distribute flyers and posters.
Happy Hour Day Greetings
– The happy hour day is here. Celebrate it by going out for drinks, getting drunk, getting crazy, and shaking off the load from your shoulders.
– You can be not a regular drinker but drinking during happy hours is your right—happy national hour day.
– The word happy hours put a smile on my face, which no one can, and that’s what true love is. Enjoy the very minute of happy hours.
– The happy hours are the only hours that I wish should never end—happy national happy hours day.
– The world needs more happy hours day, not the world wars day because that’s what unites the world happy hours.
– Happiness is going out with your friends and enjoying the happy hours. Happy national happy hour day.
– Happiness is having a happy hour with friends and then the next day waking up with a hangover.
– I want happy hours on a Friday night; that’s it. Happy national happy hour day.
– I don’t need true love; I need happy hours because true love can hurt you but not the happy hour.
– For some, happy hours mean drinking hours. For some, it slimly means napping. Everyone has their own way to take the load off.
– You know you are an adult when happy hours mean ding nothing, just sitting and blankly staring at the wall—happy national happy hour day.
– You can run out of friends, but you should not run out of happy hours because friends can make you sad but not happy hours.
– Happy hours don’t always mean drinking hours. It simply means doing whatever makes you happy and calm—happy national happy hour day.
Happy hour day messages:
– The world needs more heroes like people who celebrated the happy hours.
– You know you are adulating when happy hours for you mean staying at home and enjoying doing nothing.
– No one can become a happy hour in your life. Only you can because no one else can you happier than yourself.
– If you can control yourself from drinking during happy hours, then you are next to god.
– For some, happy hours simply mean sitting in their pajamas on their couch having a glass of wine and reading their favorite book, and for some, happy hour simply means party.
– Half of the people have been prevented from depression because of happy hours.
– As much as someone hates the office hours, they love the happy hours because that’s the rule.
– Happy hours are like a breeze of fresh air in our gloomy old days.
Happy Hour Day Captions
-What I wouldn’t give for a 24-hour happy hour! #happyhour
-We’re like Fridays and happy hour: we’re always together. #cocktails
-Happy hour is the best hour. #drinks
-Buy two drinks and get a third for free. #bar
-For every three beers, you’ll get a free bag of chips. #beer
-Do you want to be happy? Come see us at one of our happy hours. #cocktail
-During happy hour, there are happy discounts on meals. #wine
-Drinks during happy hour should be consumed in moderation. #mixology
-Do you have a stressful situation? Come see us and we’ll help you drown your tension. #drink
-The good times are on their way. #bartender
-Tonight, sadness is not permitted. #cheers
-Meet new people and try new drinks. #foodie
-For this happy hour, we’ve created some brand-new cocktails. #party
-Each night during happy hours, bring your buddies. #drinkstagram
-Maintain your composure and take advantage of happy hour. #love
-Each hour should be lived as though it were happy hour. #cocktailsofinstagram
-Smile! It’s time for happy hour! #cocktailbar
-This is a cheerful people’s pub. #craftcocktails
-Let’s deal with your worries and blues, shall we? #drinkup
-During our happy hour, we offer the perfect drink for you. #craftbeer
-In our bar, every hour is a happy hour. #drinkallnight
-When you’ve had too much to drink, everyone appears to be alright. #party
-Don’t be concerned if you’re shaky. Don’t be concerned about the headache you’ll have tomorrow. #happyhour
-We only have one life. However, we will continue to party indefinitely. #letsparty
-When you’re on the verge of losing it, how do you present yourself? #letsdance
-Why is everyone so attractive? Because it’s happy hour. #happyhour
-The world is in a constant state of flux. #drunknights
-Let’s have another drink together. #letsdrink
-I swear I’m not going to drink tonight. #drunkfun
-Expectations are made to be broken, particularly when inebriated. #drunkenpromises
-Is the liquid in the glass colored? #coloureddrinks
Happy Hour Day Wishes
-Simply adjust to the new schedule, and the early birds will be able to enjoy the happy hours.
-The day of happy hour has arrived. It’s a good time to go out for drinks, get drunk, go crazy, and shake off the weight from your shoulders.
-You may not be a frequent drinker, but you have the right to drink during happy hours—happy national happy hour day!
-The phrase “happy hours” made me smile in a way that no one else could, and that is what true love is. Enjoy every single moment of your pleasant hours.
-Happy national happy hours day—happy hours are the only hours that I wish would never end.
-The world needs more happy hour’s days, not global wars days, because happy hours are what bring people together.
-Some people define happy hour as simply sitting in their pjs on the couch with a glass of wine and reading their favourite book, while others define it as a party.
-Because of joyful hours, half of the population has avoided depression.
-Even if someone despises office hours, they adore happy hours since it is the rule.
Tonight, I’ll be sleeping anywhere.
-When you can’t go out to the bar to enjoy happy hour, you can bring the happy hour to you.
-Happy margarita Monday. Happy tequila Tuesday. Happy Vodka Wednesday…
-Going out with your friends and enjoying the joyful hours is what happiness is all about. National Happy Hour Day is today.
-Happiness is having a good time with friends and then waking up the next day with a hangover.
-That’s all I want on a Friday night: happy hours. National Happy Hour Day is today.
-I don’t need true love; I just need happy hours. True love can hurt you, but happy hours can’t.
-Happy hours can also mean drinking hours for some people. For some, it slimly means napping. Everyone has their own way to take the load off.
-You know you are an adult when happy hours mean ding nothing, just sitting and blankly staring at the wall—happy national happy hour day.
-You can run out of friends, but not happy hours. Friends can make you sad, but happy hours cannot.
-Drinking hours are not generally synonymous with happy hours. Happy National Happy Hour Day! Simply put, it means doing whatever makes you happy and tranquil.
-More heroes like those who celebrated the joyous hours are needed in the world.
-When pleasant hours for you entail remaining at home and doing nothing, you know you’re ovulating.
-No one can make your life a joyful hour. Only you can make yourself happy because no one else can.
-You are next to god if you can keep yourself from drinking during happy hours.
Happy Hour Day Status
-When I’m with good friends, I just keep track of the good times.
-Enjoy yourself wherever you are at happy hour.
-What exactly does WFH stand for? Wine from your own kitchen.
-Our new favorite bar is Zoom.
-What’s the point of going to the bar when we have everything we need right here?
-PJs are my new bar uniform.
-Drink a drink with some wonderful buddies, even if it’s only virtual.
-Let’s brew our own cocktails if we can’t go to the bar. Allow the bar to approach us.
-A salute to those who are physically unable to attend.
-The finest place to unwind with a glass of wine is at home.
-Make the most of each and every minute. Then treat yourself to a delicious cocktail.
-Good times aren’t hampered by distance.
-At home, it’s always a joyful hour.
-At home, the happiest hours are spent.
-Even if we’re separated by a great distance, the spirit of our pleasant hours lives on.
-Only having you all here with me would make this happy hour even better.
-From the comfort of my couch, I wish you all the best.
-Allow my computer table to double as a bar table.
-‘Take a pitcher, it’ll last longer,’ they said. That’s exactly what I did.
-Only a few hours until happy hour…
-As if it were your final happy hour, make the most of it.
-Beer is half price. I’ll be there!
-Behind me, on the counter, there are world-class cocktails.
-Every day is like getting a beer voucher.
-Raise your glass for low-cost beverages.
-This is the kind of place I enjoy visiting.
-At my favorite bar, I’m celebrating a successful week’s work.
-At the bar, I made several new friends.
-My favorite cocktails are the classics.
-With ice, of course. There hasn’t been any stirring.
-I’d have that James Bond cocktail, please.
-I’m in desperate need of a drink. This is a really strong cocktail.
-Any sugary and alcoholic beverage will suffice.
-My favorite cocktail in a frosted ice glass with a cherry on top? Heaven!
-A way to the nearest bar is a stress-dream. reliever’s
-When it relates to cocktails, originality isn’t always synonymous with excellence.
-The lady/gentleman will also have (insert cocktail name) Tequila sunrise—or should I say tequila sunset, bartender.
-Can you make a suggestion for something to do at the conclusion of the night? Something daring. Spicy.
-I’m looking forward to the weekend. It’s a Saturday night at the bar.
-With a minimum investment of $50, you’ll get free appetizers (X)
-Free appetizers courtesy of (indicate time)
Happy Hour Day Quotes
-“A happy hour should bring people in when they are not normally there.” Thomas Morrell
-“A bad happy hour will hurt, not help, your business. If you’re going to do it, do it great.” -Ray Foley
-“Wind up on the very same pile / Two-fifty for a decade / And a buck and half for a year happy hour / Happy hour, happy hour is here” – Gordon Downie
-“Why limit happiness to an hour?” -WC Fields
-“Happy hour is slightly different in the Soviet Union. There are no ice cubes or orange-peel twists in the vodka. Also, it lasts all day.”- PJ O’Rourke
-“Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you” -William Shakespeare
-“Happy Hour: a depressing comment on the rest of the day and a victory for the most limited Dionysian view of human nature.” -John Ralston Saul
-“Enough of that depressing stuff. It’s happy hour, for crying out loud.” -Jeff Davis
-“Commercial bars have created a new term in recent years to describe the period of drinking of the ‘cocktail’. They use the expression ‘Happy Hour’ to connote the period of time.” -Mary Douglas
-“What would a Happy Hour be like without drinking or a buffet when you aren’t hungry? Why do we have to go extremes to see things?” -Javier Otaduy
-“Enjoy thankfully any happy hour heaven may send you, nor think that your delights will keep till another year.” -Horace
“Just adopt to the change, the early birds will enjoy the happy hours.”
― Tapan Ghosh
“Happiness is somewhere else, someplace with boat drinks, some secret, distant state of bliss which if they were given would bore them in minutes.”
― Geoffrey Wood
“She wished it were evening now, wished for the great relief of the calendar inking itself out, of day done and night coming, of ice cubes.”
― Michelle Latiolais