National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 2025: History, Activities, Quotes

Every year on December 7th, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is observed in the United States in memory of all those who perished as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. On that tragic day, at than 3,500 Americans either died or were injured.
When is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day?
By Public Law 103-308, passed by the US Congress on August 23, 1994, December 7 was declared National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day History
The day signaled a change in American policy toward participation in World War II. The USS Arizona and USS Oklahoma were both irreparably sunk as a result of the Japanese onslaught, which also damaged other battleships. Others still overturned, carrying crew members with them. The USS Utah was one notable vessel. The strike also damaged and destroyed aircraft in addition to naval vessels. The attack brought the United States into a conflict that had been going on for two years.
The day is also occasionally referred to as Pearl Harbor Day or Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
HOW TO OBSERVE National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Send a care package to a service member serving abroad.
There should be a local charity that distributes care packages in your area. Simple acts of kindness, such as providing for basic grooming requirements, phone cards, canned snacks, or even simply a kind message of appreciation, mean a great deal to soldiers stationed far from home. Your influence will be significantly higher if you can enlist the aid of your church or civic organization.
Even loved ones who are living at home require comfort.
While their husbands and wives are deployed, the families left behind frequently face financial hardships and feelings of isolation. Adopt a family in your neighborhood and be present to provide assistance. Attending the children’s sporting events, dropping off meals, or providing a gas card could suffice. Even when members of a family are separated, small acts of compassion can keep them connected.
Be kind to yourself as well.
Without the sacrifices made on December 7 and during this nation’s wars, you would not be living the life you do today. By living your life to the fullest and striving to improve things for those who will follow you, you may pay tribute to those who have passed on.
Pearl Harbor FAQ
Why did the attack on Pearl Harbor matter so much?
The United States adopted a policy of isolationism throughout the war up until December 7, 1941. Except for contributing some resources to the Allied nations already engaged in combat, the nation had little interest in joining the conflict. But when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States was forced to enter the conflict.
How old is Pearl Harbor?
The Naval Station at Pearl Harbor was built by the American Navy in 1908.
Why was Pearl Harbor given its name?
As a result of the harbor’s former abundance of several types of pearl oysters, the Hawaiians gave it the name Wai Momi, which translates to “Pearl Waters.”