National Zoo Lovers Day 2025: Date, History, Activities
Did you know that the preservation of animals in zoos is done for various purposes? Or what are the primary objectives of establishing a zoo back then? The zoo is mainly themed for education, research, entertainment and conservation of endangered species. Animal lovers observe the day in a significant way. If you are an animal lover, this day is going to be a holiday for you. Discover more about national zoo lovers day, history and activities.
When is National Zoo Lovers Day?
Each year 8 April is celebrated as national zoo lovers day all over the world.
About National Zoo Lovers Day
A bull giraffe weighing two tons is a formidable animal. There’s no need to travel to the savannah if you want to see one, though you probably don’t want to encounter one in the wild. National Zoo Lovers Day honours our country’s zoos for showcasing the amazing animals that inhabit our planet. We, humans, enjoy learning about animals. Animal menageries were preserved by the ancient Egyptians.
Although many of the creatures in their zoos ended up in the arena, the ancient Roman emperors also managed zoos. The term “zoo” is short for “zoological garden,” a park with a variety of animals housed in enclosures for public display. For a variety of reasons, some individuals are against keeping animals in captivity, although reputable zoos offer many advantages to the animals they house.
One benefit is that they inform the public and enlist support for the cause of protecting animals in danger. Zoos work to save wildlife from extinction. A lot of good zoos support efforts to save animals worldwide. The Melbourne Zoo, for instance, is the breeding ground for the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect. In 2003, a single male and female specimen was enough to save the entire species from extinction. On National Zoo Lovers Day, we have the opportunity to recognize the efforts of quality zoos as well as to advocate for safe settings for captive animals.
National Zoo Lovers Day History
Greeks had a practice of keeping animals in cages as early as the seventh century B.C. Many animals captured during “Alexander the Great’s” military operations were delivered to Greece. The early Asian and Egyptian zoos were kept primarily for the benefit of the general populace and secondarily for study. Greek researchers and experimenters were more interested in studying and using enthralled animals throughout the fourth century B.C. The Romans kept two different kinds of animals for study and arena use.
Zoos were in decline after the fall of the Roman Empire, but certain private collections were still maintained by Henry I in the 12th century and Emperor Charlemagne in the 8th. In 1333, King Philip VI had an animal collection in the Louvre in Paris. Many Bourbon family members kept animal collections at Versailles.
A zoo with domesticated birds, animals, and reptiles was found in Mexico later in 1519. The 300 zookeepers that worked there kept it up. As the first modern zoo, the Imperial Menagerie was established in 1752 at the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. The collection was established in Regent’s Park in 1828, two years following the founding of the Zoological Society of London. Worldwide zoos had been built by the middle of the 19th century.
More than 40 zoos that still operate today are over 100 years old. Most of these historic zoos are in Europe. Zoos have exploded in number since the end of World War II, with many of them being built more for the enjoyment of the general public and financial benefit than for the study of animals. There are thousands of public animal collections around the world now, while the actual number is unknown.
National Zoo Lovers Day
On the occasion of national zoo lovers day, grab the opportunity to visit a zoo near you. Show your immense love for these animals. Learn more about them and share the current situations more specifically the management of zoos. Take photos of these rare animals and share them on social media with the hashtag #NationalZooLoversDay.