Roblox Gear Codes and Item Codes 2025 (Active list)

Roblox gear codes allow you to get free goodies in-game and use them without any issue. You don’t have to spend your Robux or purchase anything to get those free goodies if you use the codes to redeem them.
We have a whole bunch of gear codes prepared for you that you can try out right away. These are all 100% working codes that’ll give you the bonus gears instantly. So, make sure to stick through the end of the article and grab your free gear codes.
Roblox Gear Codes 2025
If you want to get gears in Roblox, you need to spend Robux. Robux is an in-game currency that you need to purchase, and it’s not free. But gear codes allow you to get free gears without doing anything, which is pretty incredible. That allows all the players to get their hands on the premium gear without paying a penny.
You can get the gear codes from our website. We have piled up a lot of codes that you can use in your game and get the gears to redeem your account. So, make sure to take advantage of that and claim your free goodies right now.
List of Roblox Gear ID Codes
Here’s a list of Roblox Ranged Gear ID Codes, which you can redeem to collect further weapons and rewards.
- 1191150855—Periastron Swordpack
- 602146440—Pizza Sword
- 417456986—Plunger Swordpack
- 1513260464—Pot O’ Gold Sword
- 238903800—Recycled Cardboard Swordpack
- 68233678—Red Energy Sword
- 37821996—Riddling Skull Sword
- 10468915—ROBLOX Classic Brigand’s Sword
- 1016164480—Rolling Pin Swordpack
- 1492226137—Roman Sword and Shield
- 852552995—ABS GUN
- 51346271—Bamboo Dart Blowgun
- 42845609—BB Gun
- 90718350—Bear Mine Gun
- 192456288—Black Tie Affair Gun
- 26017478—Blue Bloxxers Paintball Gun
- 163353363—Breakfast Gun
- 563287969—Deep Space Raygun
- 503957396—Deluxe Coil Gun
- 18268645—Blast Gun
- 183355892—Double Fire Laser Gun
- 168143042—Galactic Laser Gun
- 34901961—Gravity Gun
- 27245855—Green Gremlins Paintball Gun
- 840362298—GUN
- 32357766—Gunslinger
- 116693764—Historic ‘Timmy’ Gun
- 130113146—Hyperlaser Gun
- 336370943—Laser Gun of Tomorrow
- 30649735—Magnificent Magenta Paintball Gun
- 22971409—Nuclear Winter Icicle Gun
- 456221232—Party Blaster Paint Gun
- 681419733—Pink Guns
- 212296936—Red Hyperlaser Gun
- 26014536—Red Rebels Paintball Gun
- 268533563—Retro Super Villain Laser Gun
- 467138029—Robot Dance Gun
- 157205837—Steamgun
- 356212933—Steampunk Steam Gun
- 91360052—Suit Up Gun
- 29099749—Transmorph Ray Gun
- 94233344—Trench Warfare Shotgun
- 65082275—Z Ray Gun
- 176087466—Zebra Laser Gun
- 2041982658—8-Bit Immortal Sword The Pixel Maker
- 361950297—8-Bit Sword
- 1100939881—Bone Immortal Sword
- 568894901—Swordpack
- 1536056643—Carrot Swordpack
- 383609201—Champion Egg Beater Sword
- 46132907—Checkerboard Sword
- 189756588—Christmas Tree Sword
- 106690045—Classic Swordpack Throwback
- 327579790—Custom Sword
- 62673504—Dark Age Ninja Swordpack
- 147143863—Darkest Arts Sword
- 67996263—Deluxe Ninja Swordpack
- 173755801—Diamond Blade Sword
- 243791329—Double Sword Punch
- 73232803—Dragon Slayers Sword and Shield
- 172298750—Sword & Shield
- 105351545—Dragon’s Blaze Sword
- 168140949—Dragon’s Flame Sword
- 160198363—Dynamically Lit Sword
- 178076749—Sword and Shield
- 416846710—Epic Golden Sword and Shield
- 1060280135—Evil Knight Sword
- 243778818—Fallen Artemis Sword & Shield
- 1492182830—Fierce Roman Swordpack
- 833771729—Fire and Ice Swordpack
- 88146486—First Class Fencing Sword
- 190204972—Frozen Swordpack
- 218674280—Futuristic Swordpack
- 356213216—Gearworks Sword
- 1760406591—Glorious Sword
- 264990158—Gold Eagle Sword
- 226205948—Golden Sword of Spring Growth
- 60357982—Guitar Sword
- 244082303—Homemade Sword and Shield
- 891980433—Immortal Sword American Splendor
- 689391156—Immortal Sword Celtic Blade
- 568920951—Endless Ice Slasher Immortal Sword
- 1678356850—Immortal Sword Future Falchion
- 416828455—Immortal Sword The Piece Maker
- 638089422—Venom’s Bite Immortal Sword
- 319655422—Pirate Swordpack
- 125013769—Linked Sword
- 380201789—Magic Rainbow Swordpack Crown
- 147937443—Mardi Gras Sword
- 160198658—Midnight Sword
- 88885481—Military Dress Sword
- 241017568—Mythic Tides
- 241017426—Mythic West Wind
- 1046323916—Motherboard Sword
- 241511828—Mystic Flames
- 241512134—Mythic Earth
- 833771102—Noob Attack Golden Sword Gladiator
- 287426148—Omega Rainbow Sword
- 92628079—Sword and Shield
- 183797762—Longsword
- 21439778—Shortsword
- 156467990—Overseer Short Sword
- 223439643—Overseer Sword & Shield
- 483308034—Overseer-Warlord’s Sword
- 57229357—Paper Sword
- 602144081—Sandwich Swordpack
- 54694324—Saw Sword
- 103359953—Shadow Sword
- 212500257—Sharp Shark Sword
- 95951291—Skeleton King’s Sword
- 583157224—Snowflake Shield and Sword
- 53623322—Sword of Judgement
- 1016141577—Soulthief Swordpack
- 20721924—Spartan Sword
- 96669943—Spartan Sword and Shield
- 11999235—Spec Alpha Biograft Energy Sword
- 14876573—Spec Beta Biograft Energy Sword
- 139578571—Chi Biograft Energy Sword Spec
- 1180432276—Stealthy Ninja Swordpack
- 1829078563—Sun Slayer Sword
- 25740034—Cane Sword
- 54130543—Sword Fish
- 62350883—Sword of Ancalagon
- 77443491—Darkness Sword
- 99797381—Fiery Justice
- 431038614—Sword of Glowing Hope
- 1402322831—Sword of Heartsongs
- 77443461—Light
- 21802000—Sword of Nefertiti
- 1981813154—Starlight
- 139578136—Sword of Swords
- 40493542—Autumnal Winds
- 365674685—Epicblueness
- 409745306—Epicredness
- 532254782—Eternal Abyss
- 121873193Highlander
- 183826384—Lands
- 155661985—Seas
- 93136666—Seven Winters
- 54694329—Summer Sun
- 928794651—Waves
- 42847923—Winter Winds
- 149612243—Sword of Unvanquished Snakes
- 147143881—Sword Punch
- 77443436—Swordbreaker
- 1241156683—Swordfish Sword
- 12145515—Wooden Sword
- 319655993—Beat Up Super Jank Boombox
- 193769809—Boombox Gear 3.0
- 409746054—Dual Golden Super Fly Boomboxes
- 84417281—Dubstep Boombox
- 212641536—Golden Super Fly Boombox
- 774864444—Ban Hammer
- 1242677—Ban Hammer
- 867958517—50 ban hammers for 50 Robux
- 478707595—All-Seeing Golem’s Hammer
- 53623248—Hammer of Shimmering Light
- 57134119—Foam Hammerhead
- 972189904—Future Hammer
- 33866846—Gravitational Radiation Hammer v0.01
- 335085355—Overseer Smashing Hammer
- 45177979—Sledge Hammer
Roblox Gear Codes Unused
It’s a matter of fact that you can only use a gear code once in the game of Roblox. Then it expires and you can no longer use that. So, if you want to get free goodies, you need to redeem an unused code.
Luckily, you can get the unused codes from our website easily. Grab the codes as fast as you can and get your gifts in-game right now.
Rocket Launchers ID Codes
Name | ID Code |
Rocket Launcher | 32356064 |
Exponential Rocket Launcher | 90718505 |
Super Rocket Launcher | 190094159 |
How to Activate Roblox Gear Codes
Once you have your gear codes for Roblox, it’s time to redeem the codes and get the goodies in your account. Let’s check out a step-by-step guide on how you can do that without running into any errors.
- Open your web browser and go to
- Click on “Log in” and log into your account.
- Once you are in your account dashboard, search for the Code Redemption Page and click on it.
- Now, you need to put your gear code in the required empty box.
- Finally, hit the Redeem button right below. That should take a few moments to activate the code and that should send the gears right to your account.
Hammer & Ban Hammer ID Codes
Name | ID Code |
Overseer Smashing Hammer | 335085355 |
Builderman’s Hammer of Shimmering Light | 53623248 |
Stone Hammer | 13207169 |
Ban Hammer | 1242677 |
Ban Hammer | 774864444 |
Star Hammer | 45513203 |
Future Hammer | 972189904 |
All-Seeing Golem’s Hammer | 478707595 |
50 ban hammers for 50 Robux | 867958517 |
Foam Hammerhead | 57134119 |
Sledge Hammer | 45177979 |
Telamon’s Foe Hammer | 53623350 |
Gravitational Radiation Hammer v0.01 | 33866846 |
Roblox Gear Codes Today
As we mentioned earlier, you can’t use a gear code that has already been used by another player. As we provide unused gear codes, you can get your hand on the codes easily. However, you can get unlucky from time to time and all the codes might get used that day.
That’s why we update our website with new unused codes every day. So, if you had a stroke of bad luck and can’t find a working code, make sure to visit our website the next day for new and fresh codes.
Roblox Sword ID Codes
Name | ID Code |
Black and White Sword | 191261930 |
Midnight Sword | 160198658 |
EKoSS Sword and Shield | 178076749 |
Mythic Tides | 241017568 |
Amerisword | 108158439 |
Intergalactic Sword | 170903610 |
Immortal Sword Celtic Blade | 689391156 |
Checkerboard Sword | 46132907 |
Magic Rainbow Swordpack Crown | 380201789 |
Carrot Swordpack | 1536056643 |
Knights of Redcliff Sword and Shield | 49929767 |
Immortal Sword American Splendor | 891980433 |
Frozen Swordpack | 190204972 |
Ghostfire Sword | 64220933 |
Bone Immortal Sword | 1100939881 |
Dynamically Lit Sword | 160198363 |
Guitar Sword | 60357982 |
Custom Sword | 327579790 |
Double Sword Punch | 243791329 |
Fire and Ice Swordpack | 833771729 |
Dragonheart Sword & Shield | 172298750 |
America’s Swordpack | 163491866 |
Knights of the Splintered Skies Sword | 156467926 |
Candycane Swordpack | 568894901 |
8-Bit Immortal Sword The Pixel Maker | 2041982658 |
Beach Battle Sword | 112591894 |
Glorious Sword | 1760406591 |
Fallen Artemis Sword & Shield | 243778818 |
Gearworks Sword | 356213216 |
Homemade Sword and Shield | 244082303 |
Dragon’s Blaze Sword | 105351545 |
Christmas Tree Sword | 189756588 |
All Hallow’s Sword | 181356054 |
Military Dress Sword | 88885481 |
Dragon’s Flame Sword | 168140949 |
Epic Golden Sword and Shield | 416846710 |
Bombastic Sword | 629893424 |
Mardi Gras Sword | 147937443 |
8-Bit Sword | 361950297 |
Interplanetary Light Sword | 1033136271 |
Bluesteel Swordpack | 286519153 |
LightAge Pirate Swordpack | 319655422 |
Diamond Blade Sword | 173755801 |
Gold Eagle Sword | 264990158 |
Fierce Roman Swordpack | 1492182830 |
8 Bit Sword and Shield | 2103274863 |
Immortal Sword The Piece Maker | 416828455 |
Golden Sword of Spring Growth | 226205948 |
Linked Sword | 125013769 |
Endless Ice Slasher Immortal Sword | 568920951 |
Beach Umbrella Sword | 1903666770 |
Knight’s Sword | 10831509 |
Evil Knight Sword | 1060280135 |
Darkest Arts Sword | 147143863 |
Keytar Sword | 1789547756 |
Laser Sword and Shield | 1241586595 |
Deluxe Ninja Swordpack | 67996263 |
Dragon Slayers Sword and Shield | 73232803 |
Immortal Sword Future Falchion | 1678356850 |
Anime Sword of Destiny | 745790335 |
Venom’s Bite Immortal Sword | 638089422 |
Dark Age Ninja Swordpack | 62673504 |
Champion Egg Beater Sword | 383609201 |
Classic Swordpack Throwback | 106690045 |
8-Bit SwordPack | 121925647 |
Black Hole Sword | 1340206957 |
Bat Knight Bat Sword | 17680660 |
Futuristic Swordpack | 218674280 |
Inflatable Sword | 1560608167 |
First Class Fencing Sword | 88146486 |
Korblox Sword and Shield | 68539623 |
Roblox Boombox ID
Name | ID Code |
Golden Super Fly Boombox | 212641536 |
Dubstep Boombox | 84417281 |
Dual Golden Super Fly Boomboxes | 409746054 |
Boombox Gear 3.0 | 193769809 |
Beat Up Super Jank Boombox | 319655993 |
Roblox Gun Gear ID Codes
Name | ID Code |
Bamboo Dart Blowgun | 51346271 |
Blue Bloxxers Paintball Gun | 26017478 |
Red Hyperlaser Gun | 212296936 |
Gravity Gun | 34901961 |
Gunslinger | 32357766 |
Steampunk Steam Gun | 356212933 |
Zebra Laser Gun | 176087466 |
ABS GUN | 852552995 |
Nuclear Winter Icicle Gun | 22971409 |
Trench Warfare Shotgun | 94233344 |
Pink Guns | 681419733 |
Hyperlaser Gun | 130113146 |
Suit Up Gun | 91360052 |
Black Tie Affair Gun | 192456288 |
Deep Space Raygun | 563287969 |
Robot Dance Gun | 467138029 |
Bear Mine Gun | 90718350 |
Steamgun | 157205837 |
Magnificent Magenta Paintball Gun | 30649735 |
Retro Super Villain Laser Gun | 268533563 |
BB Gun | 42845609 |
GUN | 840362298 |
Transmorph Ray Gun | 29099749 |
Z Ray Gun | 65082275 |
Party Blaster Paint Gun | 456221232 |
Galactic Laser Gun | 168143042 |
Red Rebels Paintball Gun | 26014536 |
Green Gremlins Paintball Gun | 27245855 |
Disintergrex Blast Gun | 18268645 |
Historic ‘Timmy’ Gun | 116693764 |
Breakfast Gun | 163353363 |
Deluxe Coil Gun | 503957396 |
Laser Gun of Tomorrow | 336370943 |
Double Fire Laser Gun | 183355892 |
FAQ about Roblox Gear Codes
What is the Roblox radio gear ID?
The default audio ID is 142295308. This can be changed as per user interests.
What is Roblox Gear ID?
Roblox Gear ids are specific numbers created for mostly cosmetic items within the Roblox gameworld, from hats to swords and even rocket launchers! These Roblox gear pieces can be bought with the Robux and added to the avatar you have made.
Why are Some Roblox Gear ID Codes Not Working?
Roblox Gear ID codes are available for a limited time period and they play mostly a cosmetic role within the Roblox game. Those Gear ID codes would generally be available for a short time so you have to quickly claim in order to get the codes that you want before they are expired.
How To Get More Roblox Gear ID Codes?
The best way to get more exclusive Roblox Gear ID Codes is by following the @Roblox official Twitter or other social media handles. Also, return to FAINDX in order to get all those updated Gear ID codes you need.
Be sure to check out all the codes that we’ve listed to find the working codes for yourself. Once you redeem the code, you’ll get the items instantly and you’ll be able to use them once you play the game.