
World Post Day 2025: Quotes, Images, Wishes, Slogans

World Post Day 2025 will be celebrated all over the world on October 9, 2025. Here are some of the best World Post Day quotes, images and wishes to share. World Post Day 2025 will be celebrated all over the world on October 9, 2025. The event was established by the 1969 Universal Postal Congress in Tokyo as a means to mark the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union’s (UPU) creation in 1874. World Post Day aims at increasing awareness about the role of the postal department in the everyday lives of people and businesses. World Post Day significance.

The World Post Day is annually marked on October 9. The date of October 9 has been chosen as it marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874. The day came into effect after UPU Congress held in 1969 declared October 9 as the World Post Day.

The day, as the name suggests, is celebrated to honour and create awareness about the postal sector. Each year, over 150 countries celebrate World Post Day in different ways.

World Post Day Images

World Post Day Quotes

“Thank God postal services were invented, or else Pigeons would have remained our resort!”

“Who thought sending notes, letters, or gifts over posts would be so easy! Postal services have made our lives easier.”

“The infrastructure of Nations all over the globe has highly increased because of the Postal Service.”

“The Internet creates as well as destroys whereas a post always just gives.”

“Our postal services are a vital part of our nation’s infrastructure. Savour it.”

“Without the services of our post offices, it would be very difficult for the whole world to stay connected and be one”

1. Thank God postal services were invented, or else Pigeons would have remained our resort! – Unknown

  1. Who thought sending notes, letters, or gifts over posts would be so easy! Postal services have made our lives easier. – Unknown
  2. There are more pompous, arrogant, self-centered, mediocre-type people running corporate America who should be sent out on some postal route delivering mail. – Unknown
  3. It is important to mail packages so they can get to their destinations even id those packages go to many places before getting where they are to reach. – Unknown
  4. The Post office always sends things out to people to make it easier for everyone to stay in touch and to certainly be positive over how society is developing. – Unknown
  5. Hand written letters are more meaningful than emails and digital messages. – Unknown
  6. Letter are the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them. – Unknown
  7. Honor the service that brings people closer every day. – Unknown
  8. The infrastructure of Nations all over the globe has highly increased because of the Postal Service. – Unknown
  9. There are major efforts being made to dismantle Social Security, the public schools, the post office – anything that benefits the population has to be dismantled. Efforts against the U.S. Postal Service are particularly surreal. – Noam Chomsky
  10. The postal service is huge- employing more than a half million people- and its history is long and complicated. – Elizabeth Warren

National Post Day wishes

National Post Day wishes

Honour the service that brings people closer every day. Wish you a very happy World Post Day 2025

On this occasion of World Post Day take a break from technology and write a letter and share your feelings with your loved ones. Wish you a very happy World Post Day.

Honour the postal industry on this day and help people all around the globe to get connected. Best wishes to you on this occasion of World Post Day.

Spread awareness about the vital need of postal services in our community on this day. Wish you a very happy World Post Day.

On this occasion of World Post Day, it is important to understand the economic importance of postal services and honour it for the way it links the whole world. Happy World Post Day.

Dedicate your time to honour the service that links friends and family with each other from across borders. Wish you a very happy World Post Day.

Utilize this day to honour and respect the postal services that bring our families and friends closer to us every day and everywhere. Wish you a very happy World Post Day.

world post day stamps

World Post Day Sayings

The postal department has played a pivotal role in world history and is still an important medium to communicate. The day is celebrated with different events in different countries. World Post Day 2025 will also be celebrated by sending each other World Post Day Quotes, World Post Day images and also World Post Day wishes. Here is a look at some of the best World post day quotes, wishes and images to send on social media.

Postal workers dedicate their lives to helping people. Dedicate this day to honor and respect them. Best wishes to you on this occasion of World Post Day!

Take a tour around the local post offices, see how they work and raise awareness to honor the postal services. – Happy World Post Day!

Celebrate this day and spread awareness in the society so that everyone has a clear idea about the importance of postal service on this day. – Happy World Post Day!

Distance is a barrier that can only be overcome with the help of communication. Best wishes to you on this occasion of World Post Day!

Mark your calendars and help the UPU to organize a larger and bigger network for people to be in the link. – Happy World Post Day!

It becomes very difficult for the world to keep in touch, postal services make it easy. – Happy World Post Day!

Honor the postal industry on this day and help people all around the globe to get connected. -Happy World Post Day!

Introduce new programs to help the kids learn about handling the mail properly all around the globe and celebrate this day. – Happy World Post Day.

To stay in touch with people and build a relationship, it is important to communicate with them and break the barriers with the help of posts. – Happy World Post Day.

Happy World Post Day

  • Dedicate your time to honor the service that links friends and family with each other from across borders. – Happy World Post Day!
  • Honor the service that brings people closer every day. Wish you a very happy World Post Day!
  • Explore various new products and services launched on this day and help spread information about them. – Happy World Post Day!
  • Without the services of our post offices it would be very difficult for the whole world to stay connected and be one Honor it. – Happy World Post Day!
  • The Internet creates as well as destroys whereas a post always just gives. Honor it on this day. – Happy World Post Day!
  • Promote the work of postal offices to a larger audience and keep them alive in the world. – Happy World Post Day
  • At bank, post office or supermarket, there is one universal law which you ignore at your own peril: the shortest line moves the slowest. Best wishes on World Post Day!
  • To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but heart. – Happy World Post Day!

World Post Day Slogans

Writing letter is just like thinking.

Hand Written Love Letters can never go out of style.

More than hugs, letters mingle souls.

Internet technology can never give a beautiful feel of post.

Letters act as practical and useful signs.

Post is the world oldest service which people are having from since long time. In today’s time internet is everywhere but still it can not get the place of post service. That’s why here we shared these World Post Day Quotes, Slogans, Wishes, Images, Poster, Pictures & Photos for you so that you can share it with others to aware about it.

José Vieira

José Vieira has been the event news writer at National Day Zreview since 2025. He researched the days and discovered fun facts. People looking for a reason to celebrate. His passion for helping everyone celebrate with special events, helpful tips, discounts, deals, and plenty of fun.

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