Yom Kippur Greeting: What to Say to Someone

Jewish people all across the world will start to observe Yom Kippur at dusk on Tuesday, the holiest day of the year in their religion. They will abstain from all food and liquids for 25 hours, or until Wednesday, October 5, at sunset, including water. The majority of the day will be spent in a synagogue where they will pray to God and confess their sins.
Yom Kippur Greeting
This important festival comes right after Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
But it’s not exactly a “happy” holiday. So don’t tell someone “Happy Yom Kippur.”
According to Becky Sobelman-Stern, chief program officer at the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, “This isn’t a day of raucousness and partying.” “Being cheerful is not the point of Yom Kippur. It involves thought. It’s about looking inward.
Day of Atonement is how Yom Kippur is translated from Hebrew to English. Jews typically fast during this time and think back on their transgressions from the previous year.
Even if you are not Jewish, you can observe the holiday, and it is considerate to send your friends and coworkers who are Jewish warm wishes.
What should you, therefore, say or write? There are a few choices.
The traditional Yom Kippur greeting
On Yom Kippur, people typically say, “G’mar chatima Tova.” It is translated as “May you be sealed in the Book of Life” in English.
Rosh Hashanah is when one’s fate is decided, and Yom Kippur is when it is sealed, according to Jewish tradition.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, our lives are on the line, according to how we behave, says Beth Emet synagogue’s Rabbi Andrea London in Evanston, Illinois.
She continues, “The entirely righteous are sealed for another year of life, the wholly evil is not sealed, and the rest of us need to struggle to make amends and make sure we have more good actions than bad.”
There aren’t many modern adherents of this literal religion, according to Rabbi Sarah Krinsky of the Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, DC. Even though she is one of them, she nevertheless wishes everyone a happy Yom Kippur by writing “g’mar chatima tova.”
Having an easy fast might seem strange to suggest, but Sobelman-Stern believes it is “very much appreciated.”
The purpose of the festival, according to her, is to deprive people of all pleasures for one day so they can reflect and repent.
You can also send a heartfelt fasting request to someone. A 25-hour fast is customarily observed by Jews who observe Yom Kippur, with the exception of children and those for whom fasting is unsafe. When the fasting period is through, it is time to break the fast, frequently with breakfast items like bagels and egg dishes.
On Yom Kippur and throughout the Sukkot festival, which lasts from October 9 to October 16, it is appropriate to say “L’shana Tova” or “shana tova,” which means “have a wonderful year.”
You may have noticed that “Tova” and “chatima” are occasionally transcribed as “tovah” and “chatimah,” respectively. The Hebrew letter Hei, which can make a H sound or remain silent at the end of Hebrew words, is taken into consideration in those spellings with Hs that are English transliterations of the Hebrew words.
Yom kippur greeting from gentiles
Sending best greetings and prayers for a meaningful Yom Kippur. May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a healthy sweet and happy year that leads to a deeper relationship with God. May all my Jewish friends have an easy fast on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar.
♦ May we all respect this day of atonement and repentance and make our lives just a little bit better.
♦ To all my Jewish friends who observe the High Holidays, once again, have a Happy New Year. And on this Yom Kippur, have an easy fast. L’Shana Tovah.
♦ As we approach sundown I am heading offline for Yom Kippur. A happy and healthy fast to my fellow members of the tribe. See you all once the fast has been broken.
♦ Happy Yom Kippur to my dearest friends. Hope your Day of Atonement is beautiful and uplifting!
♦ Thank You, Lord, for the gift of repentance and remembering Your goodness. Happy Yom Kippur!
Heart Touching Lines for Asking Forgiveness on Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is a Day of Atonement and Repentance. On this day, are not only advised to ask God for the forgiveness of your sins but also ask your friends and family members to pardon you, if you have intentionally or unintentionally hurt anyone of them in your life. Here are some best lines for asking forgiveness on Yom Kippur:
- Forgive others. Lord will forgive you.
- Today is the Jewish Holy Day of forgiveness, mercy, and blessings. Please remember me in your special prayers and forgive me.
- Tonight is the time; pray for your forgiveness and pray for everyone.
- Let us all learn to forgive and heal. Let hope reign. Wishing Us all times of peace love inclusion… and stop the silly illogical hateful discourse of divide that is happening around us. Let’s rise above hate.
- The Holy Day of Yom Kippur is here. Let us find a way to open our hearts and forgive anyone who’s ever hurt us. Please forgive me if I have ever hurt you. May we all have a good fate written for us.