National Day

Eid e-Milad-un Nabi history, Significance and Celebration

Eid e-Milad-un Nabi or Mawlid is the birthday anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad. Popular Islamic holidays are observed all over the world in the third month of the Muslim lunar calendar. Today, Eid e-Milad-un Nabi is observed in the whole muslim world. Sunni and Shia observed Eid e-Milad-un Nabi on different days. Milad Un Nabi Mubarak marks an important day for Muslims. They observed with lights, decorations, special food, and greetings to each other.

Eid e-Milad-un Nabi 2025:  Significance

Milad an-Nabi, also known as Mawlid, is observed by Muslims as the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. Although Muslim religions usually do not observe birthdays because there is no evidence that the prophet did so, the prophet’s recognized birthday has been observed early in the history of Islam, and today many Muslim countries regard it as a national holiday.

The history of Mawlid can be traced back to the early days of Islam when people gathered to read and sing poems in memory of the Prophet Muhammad. As the Hadith reflects, the life and doctrine of the prophet continue to influence believers. Muslims observing this day will commemorate, discuss and observe the life of the Prophet at this day. People held overnight prayers and sent e-cards to friends and family.

Read more: Eid e Miladunnobi Status, Wishes Images

Eid e-Milad-un Nabi History

Mawlid is derived from Arabic and means “birth”, and now refers to the prophet’s birthday and the words recited in the observation that day. Although Muhammad’s birthday is controversial, many Muslims observe it.

Observed in most Muslim countries and other countries with large Muslim populations (such as India), the day commemorates the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. This holiday is in the third month of the Islamic calendar, and it may have originated in the 8th century.

The observance of the day became more popular in the 11th century, and it was first observed as an official holiday in Egypt. During this period, only Shiite Muslims, who are the ruling tribe in the region, can observe this festival, and the observance has not been extended to the public. In the 12th century, countries other than Egypt, such as Syria, Morocco, Turkey, and Spain, began to observe this day. Soon, Sunni Muslims also began to observe this day.

Compared with modern times, the performance of ancient festivals is very different. Since it was first started in Egypt by the major clans in the 11th century, they played an important role in the observation. People start a new day by praying. After that, the people of the ruling clan gave speeches and recited the Quran. The observance will be held together with a large public banquet. Over the years, due to the influence of some Sufi customs, such as animal sacrifices, public speeches, and torchlight parades at night, practices have been modified.

Muslims in different places observe Mawlid in different ways. In Pakistan, this festival demonstrates national pride through flag raising and ceremonies held at national monuments. In other places, the holiday presents a more festive and carnival-like atmosphere. Some Muslims choose to exchange gifts or give to the poor, and flock to the mosque to pray. Unlike other festivals observed at home, Mawlid brings Muslims together to publicly show respect to their Prophet.

Eid e-Milad-un Nabi Masjide Nawabi
Eid e-Milad-un Nabi Masjide Nawabi

Some Interesting Facts About Prophet Muhammad

Check also: Eid e-Milad-un Nabi Wishes, Messages and Greetings

The prophet is like a camel boy!

The Prophet Muhammad was an orphan when he was born because his father died before he was born, and his mother died in Mecca when he was 6 years old. The 6-year-old was left on the edge and served as a camel boy in the trading convoy to Damascus. He is the descendant of the Prophet Ismail, the son of the Prophet Ibrahim.

His wife asked him to marry him
At the age of 25, he married Khadija, a 40-year-old widow. Since Kadia is his employer, she proposes to him. This was a monogamous marriage that lasted 24 years until her death.

The first reaction to becoming a prophet

When Gabriel appeared in front of Muhammad for the first time, he felt scared and fled because he thought he was attacked by evil spirits. In 610, when he received the first revelation from the Quran, he was very scared. He thinks it is impossible for a person like him to be a prophet.

Holy verse!

The Prophet Muhammad had been enlightened throughout his life until his death in 632, so he continued to add content to the Quran throughout his life. The last time he joined was a few months before his death.

Constitution of Medina

The Charter of Medina, also known as the Constitution of Medina, was formulated by the Prophet Muhammad shortly after his arrival in Medina in 622 AD. It constitutes an agreement between different groups of Muslims, Jews, pagans and Christians in Medina, declaring that they constitute “a nation.” The charter forms the basis of the Islamic State of Medina.

Try to bring racial equality

The Prophet tried to eliminate racial prejudice in society through his personal example. His closest companions, Bilal Ben Riba and Salman Persia, were former slaves. The Prophet declared in his last sermon: “Unless pious and good behavior, white people will not be better than black people, and black people will not be better than white people.”

Advocate for women’s rights

The reforms initiated by the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century did not appear in the West until the beginning of the 20th century. He also advocated the remarriage of widows or divorced women. The Prophet also supported women’s education and declared that “every Muslim man and woman must learn” and “the one who gives his daughter the best upbringing and education will enter heaven”.

One of the 100 greatest people in history

In the book “The 100” by Michael H. Hart, the Prophet Muhammad was named the first person to have the greatest impact on mankind in history.

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