Get The Best Funny Thanksgiving Memes Online. Checkout our big collection of Funny Thanksgiving Memes, and share them with your buddies, best friends and family.
Thanksgiving day let us think of Turkey, the food, and our family. But these funny thanksgiving memes are here to let you remember what makes the thanksgiving holidays more fun and enjoyable.
Scroll down and check out what funny thanksgiving memes say and let you share them with the people around you!
Analyze these funny Thanksgiving memes as your mental juice till you eat your happy Thanksgiving dinner in November 2025. Not satisfied with that resemblance? Okay fine, the 58 funny thanksgiving memes are like pumpkin pie for your genitals. Happy now?
👉 The thing I’m most thankful for right now is elastic waistbands! -Unknown Author
👉 Thanksgiving, bringing out the best in family (dysfunction) since 1863!
👉 Don’t blame the Thanksgiving holidays, you were fat in August (as well)!
👉 Happy Thanksgiving day to someone checking their phone in the bathroom to escape their family.
👉 Let’s eat enough this Thanksgiving to crash our calorie counting apps!
👉 (making such a face) When you hear the food ready!
Funny Turkey Memes
👉 A Happy Thanksgiving Poem: May your stuffing be tasty…May your turkey plump…May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump…May your yams be delicious and your pies take the prize…and may your Happy Thanksgiving Dinner stay off your thighs! (To the Turkey)
👉 Can’t wait to make a huge Happy Thanksgiving Dinner so my child can eat ‘ONE’ roll.
👉 When you accidentally get drunk at your in-law’s Thanksgiving and you have to lay low!
👉 The day after Thanksgiving…(You are just not dead, but almost there)
Funny Native American Thanksgiving Memes
👉 When your whole family is roasting you and you have to pretend to think it’s funny!
👉 Today is a good day……For Pie!!!!
👉 Mom: Come downstairs and say hello to your relatives!!! Me: (annoyed like hell)
👉 When you at Happy Thanksgiving Dinner and someone asks you why you still single!
👉 Thanksgiving day: (when) The food is ready!
👉 Thanksgiving holidays with the family: Day1 – Day3
Thanksgiving Turkey Funny Meme
👉 Turkey1: What are you thankful for?…Turkey2: Vegetarians!
Funny Black Thanksgiving Memes
👉 When you come late on purpose and the food still not ready…How!!!
You may find some of these funny thanksgiving memes as not much hilarious as you were expecting, but they are mostly so entertaining, and you’ll love to share them with the people around you!
José Vieira has been the event news writer at National Day Zreview since 2025. He researched the days and discovered fun facts. People looking for a reason to celebrate. His passion for helping everyone celebrate with special events, helpful tips, discounts, deals, and plenty of fun.