Nobel Prize Day 2025: History, Significance, Quotes, Messages & Wishes

The Nobel Prize Day is celebrated on December 10 every year. It recognizes the magnificent Nobel Prize which is given for the best of humankind. In the course of history there has been many ups and downs. History has seen many heroes and villains altogether. It’s seen many inventions of which some were useful and some brought destruction.
Nobel Prize History
The origin and history of Nobel Prize is much interesting. It’s a great work for humanity. This prize plays a vital role as motivation and inspiration for the welfare of humankind.
There is hardly anybody who hasn’t heard about Sir Alfred Berhnard Nobel, The man who invited Dynamite. Sir Alfred Berhnard Nobel was born to a impoverished swedish family. His father was an engineer. He was born at Stockholm, Sweden. He has a very sophisticated ancestry of the great swedish scientist, writer and inventor Oluof.
At a very young age he showed interest in engineering and especially in explosives. That led him to study with explosives and nitro glycerin. His much effort and years’ hard work brought about an astounding result through the invention of Dynamite in 1867. But before that he had to go under many futile experiments and a huge loss. He had to lose one of his brothers for those experiments.
Nevertheless, his invention of dynamite opened new doors to the mining industry. It had made the mining much more easier. Because mining needed explosions and before the invention of dynamite there were no perfect explosion which could make huge damage with efficiency. This invention brought him fame and financial solvency.
Today also
How Did It All Started?
After getting success in the dynamite business he made huge money. Later, he focused on war business. Started producing ammunition and arms for war. He becam very popular with his ammunition business and arms business. But along with that he became a villain in many people’s eyes. Even he himself was very moved and touched with the destruction of dynamite. A french journalist portrayed him as a negative figure and this made him think about something great. Later, he thought to spend all his money for the mankind.
Origin of Nobel Prize
After being criticized for his negative role in ammunition and arms business he gave his life a second thought. In his last days Alfred made a will in 1895. His last will tells that all his money should be spent on humankind and made a trust with his assets. It decides that with all the money he gains from the businesses he established, the best work and contribution of mankind will be awarded every year. Thats how the Nobel Prize system started. It all began in 1901for the very first time. That year Redcross society was awarded for the peace prize.
Fields Considered for Nobel Prize
At first, the contribution to only five fields were considered for the Nobel Prize i.e. Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Literature and Peace. In 1968, economics was added to the Nobel Prize consideration.
- The First Batch of Awardees
- Sully Prudhome got the first Nobel Prize for literature.
- Wilhelm Roentgen for his contribution in Physics.
- Emil Von Behring for his contribution in Medicine or pHysiology
- Jacobus Henricas Van’t Hott for his contribution to Chemistry.
- And of Course the First Nobel Peace Prize was shared between
- Sir Jean Henry Dunant (Red Cross Society) and Frederic Passy (international peace conferences, arbitration)
Nobel Prize Day Quotes
Nobel Prize Day Quotes are the perfect way to celebrate the day on the internet. On Nobel Prize Day, we remember and celebrate the contributions of Nobel Laureates throughout history. We also reflect on the significance of their work and its impact on the world. The occasion is marked by some events and activities, including the presentation of the Nobel Prize.
One of the most popular activities on Nobel Prize Day is the sharing of quotes by and about Nobel Laureates. These quotes provide valuable insights into the lives and work of some of the most extraordinary people of our time.
So, if you’re looking for some inspiring Nobel Prize Day Quotes, look no further! In this article, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best ones.
- “If I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn’t have been worth the Nobel Prize.” – Richard P. Feynman
- “I think it’s fair to say that the Nobel Prize is the highest honor any scientist or artist can achieve.” – John O’Keefe
- “Some people think the Nobel Prize makes you bullet-proof. I never had that illusion.” – Wole Soyinka
- “Everything that’s supposedly caused by stress, I tell people there’s a Nobel Prize there if you find out the real cause.” – Barry Marshall
- “Maybe if you win a Nobel Prize in economics, you make a lot of money by giving talks… but not in my area.” – Wolfgang Ketterle
- “There are just two things you can do to win a Nobel prize – have a good idea and pursue it effectively.” – Ivar Giaever
- “I thought maybe I would become a god, or a goddess, or a president or a Nobel Prize winner.” – Amelie Nothomb
- “Dr. King’s Nobel Prize had a more powerful transforming effect on him than I think he realized at the time.” – Henry Louis Gates
- “It’s a pity that nobody has found an exploding black hole. If they had, I would have won a Nobel prize.” – Stephen Hawking
- “Prestige of the Nobel Prize is such that one is suddenly promoted to a new status.” – Luis Federico Leloir
- “You would be amazed at the number of doors a Nobel Prize opens.” – Elie Wiesel
- “I’m never going to be in danger of getting the Nobel Prize for literature.” – David Eddings
- “I’m an idiot who won the Literature Nobel Prize.” – Dario Fo
- “The Nobel Prize gives one the opportunity to take public stands.” – Philip Warren Anderson
- “As soon as I got the Nobel Prize my back collapsed and I was in the hospital.” – Doris Lessing
- “I want to see a game designer nominated for a Nobel Prize.” – Jane McGonigal
- “The years since the Nobel Prize have been productive ones for me.” – Philip Warren Anderson
- “Anyone can win the Nobel Prize if the scientist works hard on his research subject.” – Tim Hunt
- “You should always use your Nobel prize money to buy property.” – John Kendrew
- “Now, I’m ahead of my father. He got other prizes… But he did not get a Nobel Prize.” – Lloyd Shapley
- “I’ve always felt that the Nobel Prize gives me nothing as far as science is concerned.” – Harry Kroto
- “My long-range mission is to be the first athlete to win the Nobel Prize.” – Ernie Banks
- “For peace to prevail, what we need is not anti-war activism, but a much more active commitment to peace.” – Wangari Maathai
- “The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth.” – Albert Einstein
- “The Nobel Prize is a recognition of the fact that we all stand on the shoulders of giants.” – Peter Higgs
- “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” – Malala Yousafzai
- “On this day, we celebrate the power of knowledge and the importance of discovery.” – Marcia McNutt
- “On this day, we celebrate the achievements of those who have pushed the boundaries of knowledge and made the world a better place.” – Barack Obama
- “The Nobel Prize is a reminder that we all have the potential to make a difference.” – Bill Gates
- “The Nobel Prize is a recognition of the power of human imagination to change the world for the better.” – Steven Pinker
The Nobel Prize is given every year for the greatest contribution of humankind in six particular fields. The economics was the latest addition to the subject of Nobel Prize. There is a committee that decides the awardees. The Prize money of Nobel Prize is, A gold medal, a diploma, and a monetary award of 10 million SEK, approx. US$1,145,000 as of 2025.