Roblox New Promo Codes 2025 [Active list ]

Roblox new promo codes can give you free items in-game that can help you enjoy the game much more with the other players. You can get exclusive things that no one can get without spending money, which will give you an advantage over the average players of the game.
We have some new promo codes that you can use in the game to get your premium items for free. Without any further ado, let’s check them out right now.
Recommend for you
Roblox New Promo Codes
If you want to get premium items, you need to spend Robux in Roblox. Robux is the in-game currency that you use on the item shop on Roblox and it’s not free. You need to spend money to get Robux in your account.
However, you can still get premium items without spending Robux by using promo codes. You can enter the codes on the website to claim your rewards right away. Once you claim the items, you can use them whenever you enter the game, which is pretty incredible.
You can get these new promo codes from our website without going through any sort of hassle. We have made a list of the latest promo codes so that you can use them to get your free items in your Roblox account instantly.
SPIDERCOLA—Redeem code for free Spider Cola Shoulder Pet
TWEETROBLOX—Redeem code for a free The Bird Says Shoulder Pet
Roblox New Promo Codes 100% Working
You may already know that you can use a promo code only once in the Roblox game. Once it’s used, it’s expired and it won’t work ever again. So, you need to put a fresh and unused code to be able to get your premium items in your account.
Luckily, we have the new promo codes prepared for you so that you don’t have to deal with any of that inconvenience. You can simply copy our codes and use them to claim all the rewards and goodies and play the game with more fun.
All of our codes are 100% working and you can easily find unused codes from the list that we made for you. Just make sure to try out a whole bunch of it so that you don’t run into any used codes. We have piled up a handful of codes so that you have the best chance of finding an unused one without putting in any effort.
- SPIDERCOLA – Spider Cola
- TWEETROBLOX – The Bird Says
- DIY (Island Of Move) – Kinetic Staff
- GETMOVING (Island Of Move) – Speedy Shades
- SETTINGTHESTAGE (Island Of Move) – Build it Backpack
- STRIKEAPOSE (Island Of Move) – Hustle Hat
- VICTORYLAP (Island Of Move) – Cardio Cans
- WORLDALIVE (Island Of Move) – Crystalline Companion
- BOARDWALK (Mansion Of Wonder) – Ring of Flames Waist Accessory
- FXARTIST (Mansion Of Wonder) – Artist Backpack
- GLIMMER (Mansion Of Wonder) – Head Slime Accessory
- PARTICLEWIZARD (Mansion Of Wonder) – Tomes of the Magus Shoulder Accessory
- THINGSGOBOOM (Mansion Of Wonder) – Ghostly Aura Waist Accessory
How to Activate Roblox New Promo Codes
Now that you have a whole bunch of new promo codes from our website, it’s time to learn how to activate them and claim the rewards into your Roblox account so that you can use the items the next time you connect to the game servers. Let’s have a look at the easy steps to do that in minutes.
- Open your web browser and go to
- Click on the Log in option and log into your account by providing the required details.
- Once you’re on the dashboard, click on the Code Redemption Page.
- You should find an empty box where you need to put your promo code.
- Finally, hit the redeem button below. That should redeem the rewards into your Roblox account in a short while.
Roblox Promo Codes 2025 – Island of Move
These are the codes you need to redeem in Island of Move.
- WorldAlive – Crystalline Companion
- StrikeAPose – Hustle Hat
- VictoryLap – Cardio Cans
- GetMoving – Speedy Shades
- DIY – Kinetic Staff
- SettingTheStage – Build it Backpack
Roblox Promo Code FAQs
What are promo codes?
Roblox promo codes are exclusive codes that allow players to unlock unique, never-before-seen avatar items completely for free. Each time that you unlock an item using a promo code, it’s permanently added to your Roblox inventory, meaning that you’ll never have to worry about it disappearing or only existing for a limited amount of time! Keep in mind, however, that though the redeemed items stick around forever, the codes don’t, so it’s important to redeem promo codes as soon as possible!
How do you use promo codes?
To redeem promo codes, simply head to the Redeem Roblox Promotions website, type in or copy and paste your code into the text box, and press Redeem. If your code is active, it will automatically unlock its corresponding reward and add it to your Roblox inventory!
Hopefully, you can get some working codes from our list and use them in the game right away. That’ll give you a boost in performance and you’ll have premium items in-game without spending any money.