Thanksgiving Prayers 2025 for Family Dinner with Kids

Thanksgiving Prayers for Family Dinner with Kids. It doesn’t have to just be Thanksgiving to take an opportunity to show appreciation. These Thanksgiving prayers for family dinners with kids are a perfect fit for any size gathering.
Thanksgiving Prayer #1
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for this special day, a day to remember Your goodness to us. I want to thank You for a roof over our heads, and more than enough food to eat. I want to thank You for the relationships You have given to us — for family and friends. Also, I want to thank You for all the bad experiences we’ve had. We have learned that you were there for us all the time. For this, we thank You and praise You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thanksgiving Prayer #2
Lord, thank you for walking with us through the seasons of our lives. For the winter, when we are held safe in your arms through the darkness. For the hope of spring, as we are filled with new promise and life. For summer time, full of warmth and colour And for autumn days as leaves fall to seed new growth. You are always with us.
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Thanksgiving Prayer #3
O Lord,
How full is this world of your unending creativity.
How astounding is creation in all its variety.
How breathtaking is new life, growth and transformation.
How wonderful is your provision for us your children!
This day, we celebrate your great goodness with thankful hearts and joyful lives.
Thanksgiving Prayer #4
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Thanksgiving Prayer #5
O Lord,
Thank you for all the good gifts you have given us.
Thank you for the fine delicate balance of the natural world.
Thank you for the amazing variety of fruit seeds and grains.
Thank you for the beauty of autumn when the greens turn yellow, gold and crimson.
Lord, help us to enjoy this beautiful season,
And the wonderful food you have given us.
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Thanksgiving Prayer #6
Lord, thank you for the flowers and thank you for the trees,
Thank you for my special friends and all the fun they bring,
Thank you for the food I eat and thank you for my drink,
But most of all I thank you for the way you love me.
Thanksgiving Prayer #7
Dear God,
Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you for your great love and care. Thank you for your sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don’t thank you enough, for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you’ve given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thanksgiving Prayer #8
Our Father in Heaven, It is with great pleasure that we gather here today, together, and in good health. With all going on in this world, we know just how blessed we are that you have made this possible. We just thank you so much for this meal that we are about to enjoy, and pray that those who could not be with their families on this day can find total comfort in you. Thank you for the blessings! In your name we pray, Amen.
Thanksgiving Prayer #9
Dear God, As we sit around this table with the blessings of being able to be together face-to-face, we are thankful that you brought us here by your grace. Thank you for this warm meal, cheers, and that we get to gather today. We honor you as we enjoy this meal and the delicious pumpkin pie! Amen.
Thanksgiving Prayer #10
Our Heavenly Father, First of all, thank you for giving us this opportunity to get together on this joyous holiday. We know that it was made possible by you, and we are overjoyed to be rejoicing in you before our meal. We are grateful for this warm food and the hands who put it together. We also pray for others who could not be with their families today. Be with them and give them comfort. Thank you for everything you continue to do for us. In God’s name we pray, Amen.
Thanksgiving Text Messages to Family
Thanksgiving Prayer #11
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Thanksgiving Prayer #12
Thank you, Father, for having created us and given us to each other in the human family. Thank you for being with us in all our joys and sorrows, for your comfort in our sadness, your companionship in our loneliness. Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for the whole of our lives. Thank you for friends, for health and for grace. May we live this and every day conscious of all that has been given to us.
Thanksgiving Prayer #13
Our Father in Heaven,
We give thanks for the pleasure
Of gathering together for this occasion.
We give thanks for this food
Prepared by loving hands.
We give thanks for life,
The freedom to enjoy it all
And all other blessings.
As we partake of this food,
We pray for health and strength
To carry on and try to live as You would have us.
This we ask in the name of Christ,
Our Heavenly Father.
Thanksgiving Prayer #14
Thank you God for all that grows,
Thank for the sky’s rainbows,
Thank you for the stars that shine,
Thank you for these friends of mine,
Thank you for the moon and sun,
Thank you God for all you’ve done.