International Day

International Girl Child Day 2025 – World Girl Child Day Quotes, Theme

International girl child day has been celebrating across the world since 2012. The objective of observing this day is to emphasize and address the necessities and challenges girls all over the world have to deal with. The day also focuses on promoting girls’ empowerment, establishing their values and gender equality and fulfilling their human rights. The day opens the door of different scopes to make the world a better place by valuing their contribution to society.

With time, the realization has changed, so does the position of girls. People are more aware of girls than ever. Celebrating the day has also a great impact on people’s perception. The day helps a lot to educate people and encourage them to act in the right manner towards girls.

International Girl Child Day Date

International girl child day is celebrated on October 11 every year since 2012 with a view to creating awareness of girls’ rights, values, empowerment, needs, challenges, and so on.  The day teaches us how to treat girls as human beings, how girls’ empowerment benefits our society, and how to make the world a better place together. Leaving a great opportunity to learn about gender equality, the day also helps to raise awareness in eliminating gender abnormalities against girls all over the world.

national Girl Child Day date

Today also:

World Girl Child Day 2025 Theme

International girl child day 2025 theme is “Invest in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being“. Inequality about girl child in the world is one of the major problems that slow down the world progress and development. In fact, inequality about girl child exists in many sectors such as inequality in education, nutrition, medical care, honor, protection, legal rights, child marriage and so many. But the good thing is that people are becoming more conscious and realizing the value of equality.

Year Theme
2012 Ending Child Marriage
2013 Innovating for Girls’ Education
2014 Empowering Adolescent Girls: Ending the Cycle of Violence
2015 The Power of Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030
2016 Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress: What Counts for Girls
2017 EmPOWER Girls: Before, during and after crises
2018 With Her: A Skilled Girl Force
2019 GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable
2020 My voice, our equal future
2021 Digital generation. Our generation
2022 Our time is now — Our rights, Our future
2023 Invest in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being

International Girl Child Day 2025 Quotes

To celebrate International girl child day, many of you look for girl child day quotes. Considering the fact, we have collected some of the best quotes to make your day special. Now take a look at the quotes that we have collected for you.

If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”  ———- Margaret Thatcher

  1. “Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others”.

                                                  ———- Amelia Earhart

  1. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

                                                  ———- Eleanor Roosevelt

  1. When women participate in the economy, everyone benefits.”

                                                  ———- Hillary Clinton

  1. And though she be but little, she is fierce.”

                                                  ———-William Shakespeare

  1. The most effective way to do it, is to do it.”

                                                  ———- Amelia Earhart

  1. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion.”

                                                  ———- Oprah.

  1. We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave – to embrace the strength within themselves and realize their full potential.”

                                                   ———- Malala Yousafzai

  1. We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”

                                                    ———- Mother Teresa

  1. There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.”

                                                     ———- Edith Wharton


International girl child day has one of the vital impacts on our social changes. We all know together we can achieve greater success and make the world a better place to live a happy life. Every year, people celebrate this day organizing different programs, seminars, conversations, etc. to spread awareness about the inevitability of the girls’ rights in society. With the empowerment of girls, they are proving that they are unscripted and unstoppable.

José Vieira

José Vieira has been the event news writer at National Day Zreview since 2025. He researched the days and discovered fun facts. People looking for a reason to celebrate. His passion for helping everyone celebrate with special events, helpful tips, discounts, deals, and plenty of fun.

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